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Who am I?


Philosophical inquiry aside (although we might get to that later) I'm a Mother to two gorgeous grown children and wife to a better than average kiwi bloke (the love of my life)


Quals - Certificate in Early Childhood Education,

Bachelor of Social Sciences (first class)

Honours in Social Sciences (first class)

Masters in Social Sciences (first class).

Certificate in P4C (Philosophy for Children)

Foundation level 1 and 2  Access Consciousness

Reiki - level 1

Meditation Teacher Training - Spirituality and Psychology.

Background - I considered myself a Stay At Home Mum while the kids were little but in truth I was always studying at Uni as well as a career on the side.

10 years in Early Childhood Education in teacher roles, workshop facilitation roles and leadership roles for the community (including 7 years part-time at Playcentre.)

I also did a 2 year feasibility study to open an alternative school in the Bay of Plenty, NZ. 


My Masters thesis in 2012/13 was an investigation into Appreciative Inquiry - a strengths based approach to change- and how it could help shift the self-beliefs of primary school aged children. I co-designed (with the kids) a programme which instead of focusing on their 'problems' and where they needed to improve in their learning, we focused on when they have learnt at their best. The programme also utilised all my previous knowledge on Student Voice and this underpins ALL of my current work (opportunities for people to speak their truth is super important to me)


You can read my thesis here (yawn)

While DOING my Masters thesis I encountered massive challenges both as a student and as a mother. It was my time of awakening, which (if you've been through an awakening you know) involved many tears and some snot but was the beautiful catalyst towards me learning, growing and becoming more mindful, conscious and aware. THIS has been the greatest education, like, ever. So much so, I wrote a memoir on it. The Heart and Flow of Motherhood took five cathartic years to be birthed. We published it in 2019 with more tears but also dancing on tables. You can read my book here (grab a tissue) 


Since my Masters thesis, I've been working with children, adults and businesses helping them to access more flow in their lives. Easing anxiety, learning mindfulness, shifting perceptions, becoming more in-tune and aware, enhancing their confidence and sense of self.


I've done:

-1:1 work in a coaching capacity for children, teens, adults and whole families.

-Workshops and Courses on conscious parenting, energy awareness, perfectionism, mindfulness, stress

-Boutique Flow Retreats for women

-Self-growth holiday programmes for children

-Weekly in person an online meditations

-Women's circles

Currently - in 2021 we bought a farmlet in the Bay of Plenty, NZ and it's changed my whole life. The serenity of being closer to grass and trees and animals literally on my doorstep has filled a desire I didn't even know I was craving. Surrounding myself with animals has reconnected me with my childhood joys which has been a delightful surprise. Since moving, I've been able to slow my life to the pace that I WAS craving. And yet, if you own a farm you'll know....there's always something to do. Always. Yet, it's different when working with nature, the doing part doesn't come with pressure or achievement or success. Its....simpler. And this is where my heart and teachings currently lie. To mentor others with the intent of slowing down the overthinking mind, to tune in more with awareness and the energy of nature, and feel more fulfilled with the simple pleasures of life. 

My why: I'm a teacher at heart, and I find purpose in guiding others to come to know, or as Plato so beautifully worded it "To turn to eyes of the soul towards the light" And that light is consciousness. 

Give me a call or drop me a line

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